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HandyPhone is an android application that makes your smartphone a more convenient and user friendly, not only to you but also to others.
You can download and install HandyPhone from the Google Play™.

December 10, 2012

HandyPhone version 1.2 has been released

HandyPhone version 1.2 has been released. It features the Night Mode and some new options.

When HandyPhone is in the Night Mode it allows only noiseless notifications. Night Mode activates and deactivates automatically. You specify time to switch on and off in the preferences.

New option has been added to Power Events function - Only battery notification. It implies that HandyPhone will notify only when the battery is fully charged. When this option is on there are no notifications on power supply connection and disconnection.

Among other changes there are new vibration pattern of reminder notifications, new reminder interval of 2 minutes and bug fixes.

You can download and install HandyPhone from the Google Play™.