Welcome text

HandyPhone is an android application that makes your smartphone a more convenient and user friendly, not only to you but also to others.
You can download and install HandyPhone from the Google Play™.

January 9, 2013

HandyPhone version 1.6 has been released

Since version 1.6 HandyPhone has a full support of LED notifications. Now you can setup reminder notifications with LED blinking. You can specify LED color and blinking pattern separately for each kind of notification. Unfortunately not all devices supports LED color and blinking pattern control. Moreover many devices do not have a LED indicator at all.

New option of the Ascending Ring function is added. It instructs the application to increase ringing volume starting from the current system volume level.

The bug was fixed: now audible and vibro notifications do not fire during a phone call.

Due to volunteers contribution the application has a new icons now. Thanks to azzimov from 4PDA forum.